She’s Perfect in Your Eyes

7 05 2008

She’s Perfect in Your Eyes

Through your stolen glances. Through your half way looks. Through the dim, hazy light of the bar.
Don’t look at her really though, Mama Always Said you’ll burn your eyes, and Mama is Always right.

What is it about the bar or the firelight or the dock underneath the moon that makes everything perfect in your eyes?

What is it about the bar or the firelight or the dock underneath the moon that makes her perfect in your eyes?

I wish I knew but it never fails. With every guy I’ve ever met she becomes THE girl he has always wanted to meet.

When the song is right, and your *goggles* (yes, you know the kind) are on tight enough, she dances like an angel (but the footage begs differ), and you wonder where she’s been all your life.

When the fire is bright, your thoughts are alike (what is it about waxing philosophical in front of the fire anyway?), she’s gotta be the right one for you.

When the mood is right, and the words are perfect, and heck for the sake of being me, when the stars align to form cupids arrow hitting your ass in the sky, she is just right isn’t she.

Well that night She’s Perfect in Your Eyes, but careful because the night always ends…

And well, Mama is Always right after all.

Just a warning to those guys out there who think that the night never ends, and she’s the most wonderful thing to grace this earth. Take a walk in the daylight. That’s why they make sunglasses though, isn’t it?

The Lonesome (and pseudonym-less) blogger.
