Mama Always Said…

27 04 2008

Mama always said didn’t she. But the truth is, sometimes she just didn’t. I think today is one of those times. They try their best but sometimes they just forget to warn you. Sure parents tell you the important stuff like, “Oh honey, the stove is hot, don’t touch” Or “Standing in the middle of the street is probably not a good idea”, but they don’t tell you the stuff that can have the most profound impact on your life like “Your friends will all leave, you will all go your separate ways, and everything you’ve known for three years will change”… perhaps though, Mama shouldn’t have to.

I’ll try and be brief, or at least separate this into paragraphs or different posts, but heck, it’s mine and I’ll do what I want. Of course though, your eyes are yours so do what they want.

It’s all hitting me at once now, not like high school. High school I didn’t care. Now though it seems everything I knew is coming to an end. We’re splitting up. Forget about the fact I have one week left until I graduate from college. But what happens?

I wish I could pretend that it will all still be the same and we will all stay the best of friends, but it’s evident thats not even close to true. Cassie and Jason are getting their own place and I’ve been feeling kind of distanced from them the last few months anyway. Tabby and the other Jason are also off on their own for the summer and tend to act like hermits anyway. Meg and Remy may as well be married and will be off on their own. Rich and Leo are Rich and Leo and will be around in their own right, but it’s fair to say not nearly as much. John is John and nothing can be said.

Nothing against anyone as everyone needs to live and do their own thing. It’s just a little disappointing that things will end between us all with each of us doing our own thing and no one having time for our own little group. It’s certainly happening already, and has been for a while. It’s sad to see considering we were once so tightly knit. Does anyone else notice, or care, or is this just an empty shout into the void? Or perhaps it’s just normal. Even worse, that is normal. But I digress…

Everythings just changing and I’m not sure I want it to. Change isn’t always bad, but it certainly isn’t always good. I want my friends back, the ones that I grew with and changed with, and spent the better part of three years getting to know. It’s corny, certainly, but the thornbush I know (knew) and love (loved) is wilting and dying at it’s roots. Our family is coming apart and going its own separate ways.

So, come on guys. All at once and see if you get it.

We’ll stay in touch…
I’ll write…
I’ll call…
We’ll be friends…

Or maybe we’ll all just be honest for once and explain nicely that it was good while it lasted.

I doubt that will be the case though, and I hope even more I’m wrong.

Just the ramblings of a confused college student (for now)

Your humble blogger, forever connecting the dots.